Club Info

Hello everyone,

City of Mississauga built a public turf soccer fields behind the new sport complex on 9th line with Dome coverage in fall and winter, making it the only year around operational field in the area.

1- We recently learned that the city sole sourced a 10-year exclusive advertising and sponsorship agreement for that field to our main competitor in the area without tendering it out to anyone.

Why gifting one Club such an agreement and not bidding it out? Was this best value for the taxpayer money on this deal?

2- The advertising agreement allows our competitor the exclusive right to permanently stamp their logo on the center of the field and on the scoreboard making the field looks like it is privately owned (similar to Maple leaf logo on center ice, Raptors logo on their basketball court, TFC logo on their BMO field) except that these clubs own these facilities.

Is it in the best interest of the taxpayers to privatize the image of their publicly owned facility?

3- the city gifted that same competitor another 10-year exclusive lease agreement for an office inside the same complex yet denied our request since 2015.

Why keep denying one club the same request granted to another?

Why mislead visitors to the sport complex to believe that there is only ONE recognized, affiliated and sanctioned Club by the city instead of 2?


The Club is organizing a silent, socially distant line up of supporters 4 meters apart from each person to oppose these decisions and seek change to this agreement to ensure best value for tax payers’ money, not to privatize the image of our public facilities and to allow other not for profit affiliate sport groups to serve the community in a healthy competitive environment free from favoritism and monopolization.

12 Games + Festival event of fun activates. Certified Coaches for every Team. Fusion of Athletic Development and Socio-Cultural Awareness.

24 Outdoor Technical Development Training sessions on Turf. Kids Soccer Fun technical sessions fused with other physical activities.

U8-U18 Regional Competitive Teams
ID sessions U8-U12 Learn more >>

U19+ Get paid ot PLay OSL. Europe & Africa 1st, 2nd and 3rd Division teams. semi pro and pro contracts
University/College and Club Scholarships